WordPress Real Thumbnail Generator allows you efficiently to regenerate your (existing) thumbnails in your media library. With WordPress Real Thumbnail Generator You can regenerate a single image or images in bulk. The WordPress Real Thumbnail Generator plugin allows you to create a custom upload structure for thumbnails.
The regeneration of thumbnails can be up to 33% faster than other Plugin WP due to chunked regeneration. Just install WordPress Real Thumbnail Generator plugin and it works with all your image and media files without any problems. Another helpful feature is, that unused image sizes can be detected and deleted, for example if you have switched the WordPress theme. It also supports WordPress Multisites.
In addition, you can set a custom upload structure the media settings. Here is a little example how the WordPress standard upload looks like:
… and after you set a custom upload structure it can look like:
Get Now WordPress Real Thumbnail Generator!!!
Changelog and Updates 2.6.64
Note: This package (@devowl-wp/real-thumbnail-generator) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/utils 1.17.0
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
introduce batch requests (CU-86930ub71)
introduce TCF 2.2 / GVL v3 compatibility (CU-863gt04va)
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