Snax lets site visitors (frontend) and editors (backend) create quizzes, polls, lists, memes and other viral content.

Snax Viral Content Builder
Snax Viral Content Builder lets site visitors (frontend) and editors (backend) create quizzes, polls, lists, memes and other viral content.
Snax Viral Content Builder Frontend interface
- Let users create posts themselves
- Dead-simple front-end uploader
- Users can log in/register using most popular social networks
- Users can upvote or downvote every submitted content
- Integrated pagination
- Integrated social sharing buttons
- Integration with WP QUADS plugin for custom ad locations
- Custom widget for displaying recently updated lists
Snax Viral Content Builder Backend iterface
- Create posts using backend interface
- Role based access (by default for admins and editors)
- Create quizzes
- Create polls
- Convert standard posts into lists
Snax Viral Content Builder Post formats
- Story (with WYSIWYG editor)
- Meme (with Meme Generator)
- Trivia quiz
- Personality quiz
- Poll
- Versus
- Hot or Not
- Image
- Gallery
- Audio
- Video
- Embedded content from social media sites – YouTube videos, Instagram photos, Twitter statuses, etc. Everything you can embed in WordPress will work. With integration Snax supports over 400 social media channels.
- Open List
- Ranked List
- Regular List
- Any format can be disabled
- Formats order can be changed
Snax Viral Content Builder Quizzes
- Types:
- Create on frontend and backend
- Reveal correct/wrong answers:
- at the end of the quiz
- right after user answers a question
- Define questions per page
- Shuffle questions
- Shuffle answers
- Show “Start Quiz” button
- Show “Play again” button
- Allow users to share results
- Share to unlock (user has to share first to see results)
Snax Viral Content Builder Polls
- Types:
- Classic
- Versus
- Hot or Not
- Create on frontend and backend
- Reveal results:
- at the end of the poll
- right after user answers a question
- Define questions per page
- Shuffle questions
- Shuffle answers
- Allow users to share results
- Share to unlock (user has to share first to see results)
And So much more!!!
Get Now Snax Viral Content Builder!!!
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