AIT Citadela Pro plugin uses standard Gutenberg features together with WordPress Customizer. These are original WordPress tools that allow you to modify certain aspects of your WordPress theme without coding knowledge. By using the Citadela Pro plugin, you can easily change the look of your website. Blocks-based themes and WordPress full-site editing are the future of WordPress. Citadela Pro plugin is ready for the future.
Customize your web design visually. Citadela Pro lets you make changes that you can preview in real-time. Depending on your theme and active WordPress plugins, there are many things you can customize, for example, Logo and site title, Colors, Fonts, Menus, Widgets, Header and Footer of your website.
Citadela Business offers exceptional customization and it’s a perfect fit for any website. It’s been especially designed for WordPress block editor, uses original WordPress Customizer and represents outstanding compatibility with 3rd party plugins.
1) Install Citadela Theme –Â
2) Install Citadela Pro Plugin
3) Install Citadela Blocks Plugin
4) Import the Citadela Business Demo file (if needed)
With the help of Citadela Directory plugin, you can turn Citadela and any standard WordPress theme into Directory theme. Create Directory portal, Business directory, Listing website, Local guide and much more. Or you can add directory features to ANY ordinary WordPress website. Simply activate the plugin and start using all unique directory blocks.
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