Managing a WordPress website with thousands of users is not an easy task.
That’s why we created the WordPress Users Spreadsheet. You can manage thousands of WordPress users from an intuitive spreadsheet that allows you to make advanced searches, apply bulk edits with a few clicks, etc.
All the changes apply live on the website. No import/export needed.
Use Cases
- WooCommerce stores : you can view all your customers in a single page
- BuddyPress : View all profile fields in the spreadsheet
- You want to Create a lot of Users Quickly
- You want to Edit User Profiles Quickly
- You have a website with a lot of Users
- You need to Update User Profiles in Bulk
Free Features
- View all your users in a table
- Edit users quickly in a table similar to a spreadsheet
- Sort the users list by name, email, and any profile field
- You can edit all CORE fields in the user profiles:
Email, Username, Password, Role, First name, Last name, description, nicename, website, display name, nickname, rich editing, comment shortcuts, admin color scheme, show admin bar on frontend , language.
Premium features
- Bulk Edit BuddyPress Profiles: The spreadsheet shows all custom fields automatically, view and edit all field types.
- WooCommerce Stores: View all customers in a Table or Spreadsheet
- WooCommerce Stores: Edit Customers Profiles
- WooCommerce Stores: Edit Customers Shipping Information
- WooCommerce Stores: Edit Customers Billing Information
- WooCommerce Stores: Advanced search for customers.
Find customers by address, city, state, billing info, shipping info, phone, etc.
- Advanced search for Users. Find Users by Email, Role, Sign up date, Custom Fields.
Use multiple search criterias and advanced operators during the search.
- Edit Users with ANY role.
- Edit Administrators, Editors, Authors
- Edit Custom Fields. Add new fields to the bulk editor
- Edit fields in user profiles added by other plugins
- Edit YOAST SEO fields for authors
- Update hundreds of users at once
- And more.
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