Give away a free item to any customer with the coupon code With WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons.
Reward or entice customers with a free gift
This plugin, you can give away a free item(s) to any customer with the correct code. When a coupon is applied successfully, the free gift is automatically added to the cart.
With plugin, You can give a gift or a combo discount and gift depending on your coupon configuration. This is a great way to reward specific customers or encourage customers to spend more in order to be eligible for the bonus item. This plugin allow all the same Usage Restriction and Usage Limits as other coupon types, such as by email address, minimum cart total, etc.
Select variations in the cart
Give a variable product gift and allow customers to choose their own attributes. For example, give a free t-shirt and let customer’s choose their own size right in the cart!
Get Now This Plugin!!!
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