Styler – Elementor Fashion Store eCommerce Theme

Product ID: 320736
By: OryMai
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Original price was: $ 29.00.Current price is: $ 3.49.

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Transform Your Online Fashion Store with Styler – Elementor Fashion Store eCommerce Theme

Are you dreaming of an online fashion store that stands out from the crowd? Do you want a website that captures the essence of your brand and showcases your products with style and elegance? Meet the Styler – Elementor Fashion Store eCommerce Theme, your ultimate solution to creating a stunning online store. This WordPress theme, specifically designed for WooCommerce, is packed with features that make it incredibly easy to design, manage, and optimize your eCommerce site.

With Styler, you don’t just build a website; you craft an experience. Imagine your customers browsing through your sleek, modern site, effortlessly finding the latest trends in fashion, and enjoying a seamless shopping experience. Styler’s integration with Elementor, the leading WordPress page builder, ensures you can create beautiful, responsive pages without any coding knowledge. Customize every aspect of your site to match your vision, and watch your sales soar.

Key Features/Benefits of Styler – Elementor Fashion Store eCommerce Theme

Elementor Page Builder Plugin

Styler includes the powerful Elementor Page Builder Plugin, making it easy to drag and drop elements to create the perfect layout for your store. No coding skills? No problem! With Elementor, you can visually design your pages with real-time previews. This intuitive interface allows you to see exactly how your site will look, ensuring a polished, professional appearance that aligns with your brand.

Redux Theme Options Ready

Customization is at the heart of Styler, thanks to the Redux Theme Options. This feature provides a user-friendly interface where you can adjust your theme settings with ease. From typography to color schemes, Redux lets you tweak every detail to make your site truly unique. You can create a cohesive look and feel that resonates with your brand’s identity and appeals to your target audience.

Contact Form 7

Effective communication with your customers is crucial, and Contact Form 7 is the perfect tool for the job. Easily create and manage multiple contact forms, customize the forms and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. This plugin ensures you can stay connected with your customers, respond to inquiries promptly, and provide exceptional customer service.

WPML Supported

Expand your reach globally with WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin) support. Styler allows you to create a multilingual site, catering to customers from different regions. With WPML, you can translate your content into various languages, ensuring that language is never a barrier to your business growth. Attract and engage a broader audience, increasing your market potential.

ACF Plugin Metabox Supported

The ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) Plugin Metabox support in Styler lets you add extra content fields to your WordPress edit screens. These fields can be seamlessly integrated into your posts, pages, and custom post types, giving you the flexibility to display additional information wherever needed. Enhance your product pages with custom fields to provide detailed descriptions, specifications, and more.

List and Grid View Shop Page

Styler offers both List and Grid View Shop Pages, providing your customers with multiple ways to browse your products. This flexibility ensures a user-friendly shopping experience, allowing visitors to switch between views based on their preferences. Whether they prefer to see detailed product descriptions or a visual grid of items, Styler has you covered.

60+ Oneclick Blocks

Building a beautiful website has never been easier with Styler’s 60+ Oneclick Blocks. These pre-designed blocks can be added to your pages with a single click, saving you time and effort. From headers and footers to testimonials and galleries, these blocks are designed to enhance your site’s functionality and aesthetics.

Blog Ready

Engage with your audience and drive traffic to your store with Styler’s Blog Ready feature. Share fashion tips, trends, and news on your blog to build a community around your brand. Regular blogging helps improve your SEO, making your site more visible to search engines and potential customers.

Multi-language and Onepage/Multi-page Layouts

Styler is versatile, offering Onepage and Multipage Layouts to suit your needs. Whether you prefer a simple, streamlined site or a comprehensive multi-page experience, Styler delivers. Plus, with .POT files for all languages, your site can be translated with ease, supporting your international growth.

Unlimited Customization Options

Styler provides Unlimited Sidebar, Background, and Color options, allowing you to create a unique look for your site. Change backgrounds, adjust colors, and create custom sidebars to match your brand’s aesthetic. The flexibility to personalize every aspect of your site ensures that it stands out and captures your audience’s attention.

Comprehensive Documentation

Get started quickly with Styler’s Well Documentation. This detailed guide walks you through every feature and setting, ensuring you can maximize the theme’s potential. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, the documentation provides all the information you need to create a stunning online store.

Fully Responsive and SEO Optimized

In today’s mobile-first world, having a Fully Responsive site is essential. Styler ensures your site looks great on all devices, from desktops to smartphones. Additionally, Styler is SEO Optimized, helping your site rank higher in search engine results. This combination of responsiveness and SEO friendliness ensures that your site attracts and retains more visitors.

Fast Performance

Speed is critical for online stores, and Styler delivers Fast Performance to keep your customers happy. With optimized code and lightweight design, your site will load quickly, providing a smooth browsing experience. Fast performance not only improves user experience but also boosts your SEO rankings.

Extensive Font and Icon Options

Styler comes with 1400+ Font Icons and Google Fonts integration, giving you endless possibilities for typography and icons. Customize your site’s look and feel with these extensive options, ensuring a visually appealing design that enhances your brand’s identity.

Advanced Web Technologies

Built with HTML5 & CSS3, Bootstrap, and jQuery, Styler leverages the latest web technologies to deliver a robust and modern site. These technologies ensure that your site is not only visually appealing but also functional and efficient.

Engaging Visual Effects

Enhance your site with Parallax Background Images and Videos, SVG Animates, CSS3 Animate Library, Carousels, and Sliders. These visual effects add depth and interactivity to your site, engaging visitors and keeping them on your pages longer.

Comprehensive Widget and Element Library

Styler includes a wide range of widgets and elements like Charts, Isotope, Lightbox Gallery, Social Icons, Breadcrumbs, Clients Logos, Testimonials, Team Members, Tabs, Buttons, Progress Bars, Pagination, Accordions, Alerts, Counters, Gallery, Media Embeds, Columns, Video, Lists, Headings, Text Styles, Code Blocks, Address, Blockquotes, and more. This extensive library ensures you have all the tools you need to create a feature-rich, user-friendly site.


Styler – Elementor Fashion Store eCommerce Theme is more than just a WordPress theme; it’s a powerful tool for building a successful online fashion store. With its extensive features, easy customization options, and modern design, Styler empowers you to create a site that reflects your brand’s unique style and provides an exceptional shopping experience for your customers. Don’t settle for ordinary; choose Styler and transform your online store into a fashion destination.

Styler - Elementor Fashion Store eCommerce Theme documentation

How to Download this item at

The method is quite easy, click this link, you will be directed to this theme download tutorial


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Original price was: $ 29.00.Current price is: $ 3.49.

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