JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO, Plugin that Speeds Up WordPress
JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO is a powerful WordPress Speed Up accessible to everyone. WP Speed of Light comes with a cache and Gzip compression system, and includes, a resource minification tool, a database cleanup system, a htaccess optimization tool and an automatic cache cleaner. The JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO plugin goes beyond, where NO other plugins can go: Cache preloading, font optimization, DNS prefetching, database automatic cleanup, to-notch support, image compression and more!
Play smart, optimize all your websites using a global solution
JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO is the only WordPress Speed Plugin that offers a global optimization in a single membership: WordPress Optimization, Image Compression, CDN Integration, Speed Testing. Furthermore as our memberships are not limited by domain, you can run the same top notch optimization on all your websites!
Powerful WordPress and Browser Caching
JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO for WordPress comes with a lot of optimization systems such as cache system: it generates more static content (HTML) therefore reducing the number of database queries required to load the page. Plus, you have the possibility of storing the major part of the heavy page resources (like images) in the browser cache. And you can clean it when you want! Full optimization list:
WordPress Speed Testing & Performance Comparison
The optimization of a website is also about testing the performance to determine what elements can be optimized to yield performance. With JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO you can run several tests on the same page and open a comparison table. We’ve made an integration with WebPageTest API (free) to run detailed speed tests on various elements like:
Database Speed Test and Cleanup
The database queries can represent something important about WordPress’ speed. The database speed test may help you to determine problems with a theme or a plugin and fix some major performance issues. The database cleanup can be made automatically at a defined frequency in the JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO ADDON.
WordPress CDN Integration
A CDN (Content Delivery Network) integration is available. It is compatible with all the major CDN on the market including Cloudflare, Amazon Cloudfront, MaxCDN, KeyCDN and others. Plus, there’s a specific automatic cache cleanup for:
WordPress Image Compression
Images represent an average of 60% of the page weight so it’s a high priority in the optimization process. The image compression is the process of applying an invisible image compression and reduce image size by up to 80%. JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO includes an image compression quota with the plugin subscription, so you’re sure that the image compression works with all other WordPress optimizations!
Best in Class WordPress Image Progressive Lazy Loading
The image lazy loading loads only images when it’s visible by user (on page scroll). JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO lazy loading is the most advanced you can find on WordPress with a smart system that generates a small thumb of few Kb (almost nothing) then load it progressively with a nice effect, keeping your customer on your pages. Furthermore, as we preload 2x screen height, fast connection won’t even notice it! WP Speed of Light lazy loading main advantages:
Cache Preloading & DNS Prefetching
The cache preloading is the process of generating a first version of the page cache automatically, so the first user that comes to the page after a cache cleanup won’t have to wait for the cache generation! It’s included in the JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO ADDON. On the other side The DNS prefetching will pre-load DNS information on external domain links. For example, if your website is referring frequently to an external domain in hyperlinks, pre-fetching the DNS of this domain will load the page of this domain faster when a user click on it.
A Dashboard to Rule All the Performance
The WordPress Speed Plugin includes a dashboard that checks all major performance issues you have and fix them in one click, pretty handy to optimize performance in no time.
Selective Cache for Mobile Devices
JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO can handle the cache for mobile automatically, and you can generate a dedicated cache version per device or even disable it. The plugin also works automatically with mobile plugins like WPtouch. Mobile cache features:
Visual File Exclusion from Group & Minification
The file group and minification is one the tricky stuff to configure on complex WordPress website with tons of plugins. We’ve made the process simple in JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO: Scan your website and index the files then, if needed, exclude one or several files from the process by using a simple ON/OFF button.
Compatibility and 3rd party integration’s with the plugin
For every theme
15000+ active users can’t be wrong. The JoomUnited WP Speed of Light PRO plugin has been tested on tons of themes, their page builders… We’ve even included some options to handle specific content creation frameworks
Developer Friendly
We like to help experienced developers to plug our plugin with other services using Hooks & Filters. We have a dedicated documentation and a developer can help!
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