The GiveWP Manual Donations Addon allows you to create donations directly in your WordPress dashboard. Donations can be attached to a specific donor, or a new donor can be easily created during the donation creation process. This doesn’t actually charge the donor, but is meant to help you reconcile your records.
Note: The GiveWP Manual Donations Addon does not actually charge the donor at the payment gateway. It’s designed to use to reconcile records between payment gateway and your site.
Creating manual donations is as easy as filling out a simple form and clicking “Submit”. With this Add-on you can point and click your way through each field necessary for your GiveWP Donations, Reports, and Donor records to reflect this new Donation accurately.
In the animation above you can see how easy it is to create manual donations with this Add-on. You can assign the donation to any of your current donors, or add a new donor. You can choose any payment gateway you like regardless of whether it’s activated live or not. You can choose the date or the donation, whether in the past or future. You can also choose whether to have the donor and/or admin email notifications sent upon completion or not.
When creating a new donation on a form that supports recurring donations, you will be presented with the recurring options available to the donor. This will create the “parent” recurring donation — the very first donation of a new subscription, essentially.
Just like donations you receive through your public GiveWP forms, Manual Donations are reflected correctly in your Reports, Transactions, and Logs correctly.
Get Now GiveWP Manual Donations Addon!
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