Pro Voting Manager is a powerful, easy-to-use, and lightweight plugin that allows users to vote and provide feedback on WordPress regular and custom post types posts. The plugin offers both likes and dislikes vote collection options, as well as the ability to submit feedback for dislike votes. This gives site owners a powerful way to get user feedback and improve their content.
The plugin also includes a built-in widget to display the most liked and disliked posts in the sidebar, as well as a report panel that provides detailed information on every single post vote. The report can also be downloaded in CSV format. The plugin has an extended settings panel with beneficial customization options that allow site owners to personalize the voting box layout. Pro Voting Manager is super user-friendly and can work perfectly with any website without impacting performance.
If you are looking for a powerful and easy-to-use voting plugin for your WordPress website, then Pro Voting Manager is a great option.
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